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Bible January
  1. Genesis 1-4
  2. Genesis 5-8
  3. Genesis 9-11
  4. Genesis 12-15
  5. Genesis 16-19
  6. Genesis 20-23
  7. Genesis 24-26
  8. Genesis 27-30
  9. Genesis 31-33
  10. Genesis 34-37
  11. Genesis 38-41
  12. Genesis 42-44
  13. Genesis 45-47
  14. Genesis 48-50
  15. Psalms 1-4
  16. Psalms 5-8
  17. Exodus 1-4
  18. Exodus 5-7
  19. Exodus 8-10
  20. Exodus 11-13
  21. Exodus 14-16
  22. Exodus 17-19
  23. Exodus 20-22
  24. Psalms 9-12
  25. Exodus 23-25
  26. Exodus 26-28
  27. Exodus 27-31
  28. Exodus 32-34
  29. Exodus 35-37
  30. Exodus 38-40
  31. Leviticus 1-4


KJV January Bible Reading — 2 Comments

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