Launched in June 2011, we expected this blog to be a distinctive Adventist voice from the perspective of members who value Seventh-day Adventist history and the biblical truths on which this church was founded, while dealing with issues in today’s world. We prayed that this blog could play a part in allowing believers to settle into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually. And we believe that the blog is currently (2016) fulfilling that mission.
We aim to feature writers from all parts of the world — writers who demonstrate fidelity to biblical truth while engaging intelligently with the world around them, including the science. Our web sites statistics indicate that visitors regularly come from 200+ countries of this world. While we probably won’t be able to feature writers from the majority of these countries, we do hope to have a small representation.
All content on our blog is intended to be in harmony with our stated philosophy and vision.
We are actively looking for bloggers who know the difference between tradition and biblical truth. While lifestyle choices are often embedded in tradition, these can vary from place to place in this world. It is the biblical truth that binds us together as a community of believers. If you know of someone who could make a contribution to this blog, please contact us.
We need you to make this blog work. Please let us know what subjects you would like to be featured and discussed. You can do that in the comment area below. You can also help by giving us contact information for Adventist thinkers in your part of the world — whether or not they are college-educated. For privacy’s sake, please do that through our contact form.
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A few days ago I read in your blog an exceptional explanation of each of the 10 commandments simply explaining the love God had for His children through each of the commandments. Simple reasoning of parental love for a child.. I have not bee able to locate it since. PLEASE find the info for me. The language is wonderful for new believers and children. God Bless.
To find a post on our blog, the first thing to try is a keyword search in our “SSNET Blog Search” at the top of the right sidebar. I suggest you try that right now, by typing in “10 commandments” into the search box. You will find the article by Lilliane Lopez on the first page of search results. 🙂
Regarding our Father and the many intimate names that link us close to Him.
Growing up in a home without this kind of a father kept me from enjoying what our Father is like. However, now that I am an adult and have grown to know Him, He has become the Father that I never knew existed even though He was there all the time. As I look back I can see all the ways in which He grew me and still does. I thank Him for not giving up on me and it is my prayer that He never will. I long to sit beside Him or even in His lap and just be held as I never was from my earthly dad. Praise God for His unspeakable gift.
Romona, you made me tear up. May the love of the Lord continually be with you each day. Thank you for writing your lovely message. Simple things like those are gems of hope to others, myself included 🙂
i always knew there were “people who went to church on a saturday”, but never understood why…….until my mom married a seventh-day adventist man. my life changed for the i understand and feel that this blog helps those who have been introduced to our faith….when i became a seventh-day adventist,i wished to connect with others and see that i am not the only one who and discovered the Truth, this blog really makes a diffrence in my life- JABU FROM SOUTH AFRICA
I have greatly appreciated the Sabbath School lessons. I fill whole note books with my responses!!
This is my first note so I’m just now learning how to do this. I’m not a computer expert but I do like to respond and express my appreciation.
This blog is helping me grow spiritually as I meditate upon the Word of God on a daily basis. This has encouraged me to read the Word of God prayerfully every day.
As a long-time SDA, I found your blog while searching the internet for clearer teaching on the Investigative Judgment (IJ). Thankfully, I found Mike’s article, “Why is the IJ Doctrine Sound? I read it and the 40 pages of discussion that same day. Thank you. I joined the church many years ago at Wildwood, GA, after hearing many powerful sermons from Elder W.D. Frazee.
My wife who is a dedicated Christian and a loving companion has not joined with me in the Adventist faith; not understanding the need to keep Sabbath and especially not accepting the IJ doctrine. I have attended “fundamental Bible” churches with her over the years and she with me on many Sabbaths.
So, I am well aware of the tolerance of SDA’s by fundamental evangelicals at best and the dangerous cult at worst situation. I plan to join your blog.
We are so glad to hear that you found Mike’s post helpful. Yes, the subject of the investigative judgment is often misunderstood, but rightly understood, it reveals the righteousness of God.
It is also good to know that God looks at the heart and how we relate to others – not how accurately we understand Bible teachings. (They are important as they help us understand the character of God.)
All that is needed to “join our blog” is to bookmark our site so you can visit it regularly to read the daily lesson posts and interact with other Bible students in the comment section of each post.
We look forward to seeing more of you through your comments.