Juniors/Teens (10 – 14)
- Junior Power Points – GraceLinks Lesson Resources for ages 10-12 in English, French and Spanish in the Gracelinks series. The current student lesson is on the home page.
GraceLinks Curriculum
- Guide Magazine Online Stories, games videos, activites
- Real-time Faith – Gracelink Lesson Resources for ages 13-14in English, French and Spanish. These are mainly for larger churches which separate Junior and Earliteen classes. In smaller churches, this age group is usually combined with the Junior group, using a 4-year curriculum, or with the Youth group. The current student lesson is on the home page.
My Bible Says Junior/Teen Curriculum
- Junior/Teen Bible Lessons 3-year cycle for ages 10 and up. It presents the plan of salvation in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation in the context of Bible stories. The last two quarters cover Reformation history and early Advent church history. In addition, Bible doctrines are presented in the context of the stories. Illustrations are true-to-life, rather than comic format.
- Junior/Teen Teaching Helps
Young Disciple Curriculum for Juniors & Teens (Grades 5-8)
- Daily Bible Study Lessons with a focus on teaching Juniors and Teens how to study the Bible for themselves and how to build their own relationship with Jesus. Available as hard-copy quarterlies or electronic downloads.
- Teacher Helps available in hard-copy or through electronic downloads. Included are tips and ideas for teaching the Young Disciple Bible lesson, detailed lesson plans for each week, fun and educational activities to get your class involved, ideas to help you spiritually challenge your class and discussion prompts for teaching the YD lessons to older youth.
- Young Disciple magazine, an alternative to Guide magazine, with contemporary stories, but with realistic graphics. Aims to encourage kids to have their own relationship with Jesus. Sample copies of the magazine are available for free download.
- Program Helps In the Young Disciple Program Helps, you’ll find suggestions for everything from room décor to organizing your program. Included are ideas for song service, prayer time, missions, Bible memory activities, sword drills, and a weekly special feature. You’ll also find a section especially for leaders of older youth.
Other Resources
52 Sabbath Activities for Teen Groups: A Resource of Proven, Surefire, Guaranteed-Fun Activities That Make Sabbaths Unforgettable for Youth (On Amazon.com). Also available on Amazon UK and on Amazon Canada.
Challenge the leadership of your church to allow Juniors and Teens to tell the Children’s Story for the worship service. If you’ll help them get ready and to act out the stories as the inimitable Eric B. Hare did, they’ll love it, and they’ll probably have good ideas of their own.
- In our opinion, there are no better models of stories for small children than the Eric B. Hare stories. Allow your juniors & teens to take them home to play them over and over to learn to tell stories the way Eric B. Hare does. And if they have add their own drama, so much the better! Note that there are 3 CD’s. We show the cover of the first CD which includes the stories of “The Chinese Lady and the Rats,” “Silver and the Snake,” and “The Big Yellow Truck.” Generations of children remember them.
- Pathways of the Pioneers: Stories of the Men and Women Who Founded the Adventist Church Adventist history acted out – available as MP3 files or CD-format, either on compact disk. Choose the version you want. You can listen to some stories at the Ellen White site: Pathways of the Pioneers Great for children and adults. Compare both links for best price. These could be played for the early birds. By listening to them, you might get ideas for your programs.
- Your Story Hour CD’s include both Bible stories and other character-building stories.
- Children’s Stories at Adventist.org
- Children’s Sermons has 5-minute stories, and some could be suitable for children’s stories in church. (Not an Adventist site.)
- Bible Stories at Kids Bible Info.
- Bible Stories for Kids at the Voice of Prophecy site.
- Audio stories as well as Stories to Read at McDonald Road Church
- Also see our Mission page for Kids and Teens
I am a High School Teacher, to obtain a Lesson for Junior and Adult is more difficult but through the website, it’s more helpful for children and adult in my local church.
this network is not good because the junior PowerPoints website on this website is not working and I think something has to be done about it so that is the bad thing about this website but everything else is good so you guys need to fix that and I’m not trying to be mean but I would not recommend this website but everything else is good.
Abby, Could you be more specific. The link to PowerPoints is working for me. Please bear in mind that resources lists on this page are links to other sites not under our control. While we are happy to list them, we appreciate being told when something is not working. However, if there is a problem with the linked site it is best to report it to the owner/webmaster for that particular site. We cannot fix websites other than our own.
Yes, I am unable to access the teacher’s resources. I’m constantly redirected to purchase the resources.
Once again, can you be more specific. I tried out the links myself and found many resources I could download free.
Just a reminder: Sabbath School Net is not a department of the church organisation. We are an independent ministry and provide links to these resources as a service and in good faith. If you find a link that is not working please let us know the detail so that we can either fix it or remove it. If you have difficulties or issues with the linked site itself you should contact the owner of the site, rather than Sabbath School Net.
Is the Powerpoints website down? I cannot seems to gain access to the site. Has the site address changed? Please advise.
Sabbath School Net has nothing to do with the Juniors-teens. We simply provide a link to the appropriate websites as a service. If you have an issue with one of their resources it is probably best to contact gracelink.net
I have checked the site myself and it does appear to be down at the moment so I suggest you wait a few hours and try again.
I play classical guitar and classical lute and have been invited by ASI to play for several meetings, including Juniors and Earliteens Sabbath School. I remember what we used to sing when I was a kid, but have no idea what they sing now. Does anyone have song suggestions I could arrange for classical guitar?
Please can you kindly send me this lesson every week
HI Glenis, Sabbath School Net is not part of the Church’s Sabbath School Organisation. We are an independent group of lay folk who promote and provide resources for the study of the adult Sabbath Lesson. We provide the links that you see on this page simply as a service.
We suggest that if you would like to get more information from the organisations behind these links that you contact them directly. They will be in a better position to respond to your request than us.
I need the actual puzzle which has no answers. all I am seeing under the crossword puzzles section are the answers.
Sabbath School Net only provides links to the sites on this page. I suggest you contact the providers responsible for the puzzle with your concern.
The website for juniors is so good and helpful. I have managed to prepare daily lesson for my powerpoint students.
But i have failed to open the 4 quarter 2022 missionary story. I do not know what is the problem..?
I did not have a problem downloading it. Maybe Adventist Mission fixed it in the meantime. 😀
Hi Maurice. It appears that the youth and junior websites have been historically unreliable–and they continue to be so. Unfortunately, that reflects poorly on SSNET and anyone else who keeps linking to them. It’s in the best interest for SSNET to contact and urge them to resolve their issues, or else stop linking to them.
Thanks for the feedback Jay. Your comment is the first feedback that we have had that these sites are unreliable. There has been the occasion outage of course. We provide the links as a resource but are not direct users ourselves. If we continue to get such reports we will contact them ourselves but suggest that those users having problems who rely on those sites should contact their webmasters directly because they can give more details about the unreliability. We can only relay second-hand information without the detail.
I still find challenges to get these lessons because you can not down the whole lesson by you need to down load sabbath by sabbath
Sabbath School Net only provide links to these resource website. If you have an issue with the way they deliver, we suggest you contact the papge providers. Most of them give a contact section.
Please make the stories in the lesson shorter. It is way to long. The adult lesson story isnt that long why is the kids story so long. Please make it short and spicy
Please understand that these links to the children’s lessons are just that. Sabbath School Net does not write the lessons. Consequently, any comments written on this page are not read by the authors. If you have an issue that you want to take up with the authors/publishers about these lessons, I suggest you go to their web page and look for their contact details. There you can make your suggestions where they are likely to be heard.
I will provide a different perspective. Thank you for the links to various sites. I’ve recently been asked to teach classes at our church and was surprised at the challenge of finding resources. I stumbled upon this site and it’s been great! If you think the stories or lesson is too long, shorten it yourself! I see these lessons as a framework, much like the adult SS lessons. Use them as a starting point to a deeper search and discussion with kids. Hopefully us teachers will learn something as well!
HI, I find the information and the links t Bible study resources in this website very helpful and a starting point for discovery, both for the teaches and the children. May I ask if there can be a clarification on the exact age from the Beginners to Early teens? I find different sites have different age brackets for the same classes. Be blessed for this great work.
What do 15-18 year olds use as the lesson study?
This age bracket are listed as youth and links to their lesson study guides may be found here:
Hi. Any idea why the new quarters Real Time Faith lessons are not available for download? They show on the site, but nothing happens if you select for download.
Thank you for your great resources – I’ve been using them for so many years to enhance my Sabbath school teaching.
Hi Pam, Sabbath School Net only provides links to these sites as a service to our readers. We have nothing to do with their operation. You should be able to contact their administrators through their website. Please bear in mind that over the new year many people are on leave and sometimes things do not go according to schedule.