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2017b Sabbath School Lesson Materials: “Feed My Sheep” First and Second Peter
Much of the lesson on Suffering for Christ (Lesson 6) may be a little theoretical for us. But it wasn’t so for Richard Wurmbrand, the subject of the book, Tortured for Christ.
It’s not a story for entertainment, but it will inspire and build your faith.
Victor Frank’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning, was formed in the crucible of his own experience in Nazi concentration camps. Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. His theory of psychology directly contradicts that of Freud. He believes that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
(Most of the resources below are available in Kindle format. You can read these ebooks on your PC, iPad, Android phone or iPhone after downloading the free Kindle Reader: Download the Kindle reader for the PC, or the FREE app for mobile devices.)
You may download the full lesson quarterly from Amazon in Kindle format and read it in your free app. (Canadian Link, UK Link) This will look very much like the paper version, but without some of the ads. As is usual for Kindle books, you can highlight passages with different colors, and you can make notes right on your pad or phone. Your notes will be kept in a “Notebook” attached to the book. But the Bible texts are not linked the way they are in the web version. (It is useful to keep a Bible app open in another window.) You can also highlight and copy passages or even whole lessons into another app or email from your phone, but not from your desktop computer.
You can purchase companion book for the lesson by Robert McIver, First and Second Peter (Bible Bookshelf Series) in paperback format or download the Kindle version. (Canadian link, UK link) Again you can highlight, make notes, copy short clips and paste to Facebook, email, or whatever. (This doesn’t seem to work on the desktop app, but only on the mobile Kindle app.) Robert McIver has this to say about the book: “This book starts with a careful examination of the text of 1 and 2 Peter and then teases out the implications that the words of Peter have for the everyday life of a Christian. It has many of the characteristics of a commentary. For example, it considers the historical, social, and literary background of the passages under consideration, and it comments on the meaning of many of the key words and other features of the Greek text of the epistles. From time to time it does what Peter himself does in his letters by considering the practical application of the theology expressed to the everyday life of Christians.”
Also by Robert McIver:
Robert McIver has this to say about the companion book, First and Second Peter: “This book starts with a careful examination of the text of 1 and 2 Peter and then teases out the implications that the words of Peter have for the everyday life of a Christian. It has many of the characteristics of a commentary. For example, it considers the historical, social, and literary background of the passages under consideration, and it comments on the meaning of many of the key words and other features of the Greek text of the epistles. From time to time it does what Peter himself does in his letters by considering the practical application of the theology expressed to the everyday life of Christians.”
Ellen White Notes 2017b, Pacific Press version (Amazon Canada link | Amazon Great Britain link.) are available in Kindle format. No author or editor named. Relevant passages are supplied for each day’s lesson, mainly from commonly known books, such as Desire of Ages, Christ’s Object Lessons, Acts of the Apostles, In Heavenly Places, etc. (You can download many of these for pennies or for free. Also available in audio versions. Click on the links above. )
Sabbath School Lesson Comments by Ellen White (Amazon US link) This is an alternate set of Ellen White comments on the 1 & 2 Peter lessons, edited by J. L. MalmedeVanAllen. (Amazon Canada Link | Amazon Great Britain Link) In this version of Ellen White comments, each day’s lesson begins with the main text from the actual Adult Bible Study Guide, followed by quotations from more obscure sources, such as original manuscripts, original periodicals, etc. The quotations are slightly longer than those in the Pacific Press version.
S.D.A. Bible Commentary Volume 7, 1957 Ed. (Ellen G. White Comments Only) Kindle Edition This digital version covers the Ellen G. White comments on the books of Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude and Revelation.
Journey Through the Bible from Matthew to Revelation, by Ken Wade. The third in Ken Wade’s Journey Through the Bible series includes 1 & 2 Peter. Wade approaches the text from a practical Christian perspective. Only available in Kindle format.
Martin Luther’s Commentary on Peter and Jude(Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1982) as mentioned in the Introduction to the 2017b quarter. This is only available in hardback format.
Also helpful for learning more about Peter:
Since Peter was one of the best-known disciples of Jesus you will find many vignettes of Peter in Desire of Ages, by Ellen White, which focuses on the life of Christ. If you haven’t read this book recently, this is a good time to do so. And if you’d like a fresh reading of this book, consider getting the ebook or paperback version of Humble Hero in modern English. (Also excellent for young people and for anyone whose first language is not English. Note that the modern-language version is lightly abbreviated and does not include as many Bible texts to make for smoother reading.)
Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen White, tells the riveting story of the early Christian Church, and Peter played a prominent part. So this is an excellent resource on the Apostle Peter. Read it again, or read it for the first time. If you’ve read it before, you can gain fresh insight from the modern-language version, Unlikely Leaders in paperback or Kindle format. The modern-language editions read more smoothly for modern readers, with current language, shorter sentences and some abbreviation, such as leaving out some Bible texts. It is perfect for young people and anyone whose first language is not English.
This volume of the revised edition of the classic The Expositor’s Bible Commentary which includes 1 & 2 Peter and is available in convenient (and less expensive) Kindle format. Includes Comprehensive introductions • Short bibliographies • Detailed outlines • Insightful expositions of passages and verses • Overviews of sections of Scripture to illuminate the big picture • Occasional reflections to give more detail on important issues • Notes on textual questions and special problems, placed close to the texts in question • Transliterations and translations of Hebrew and Greek words, enabling readers to understand even the more technical notes • A balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion
(Note, however, that this is not a Seventh-day Adventist commentary.)
Previous Lessons on Peter
- Biographical Bible Study: Peter (1996a) A weekly topic.
- 1 Peter: A Living Hope (1992) Complete downloadable scanned lesson study guide. (4.82 MB)
- The Apostle Peter and his Epistles (1952 a) Complete downloadable scanned lesson study guide. (1.04 MB)
- The Apostle Peter and his Epistles (1952a) downloadable scanned lesson study guide. (.92 MB)
- 2 Peter (1923c) [ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 0.63Mb ]
- 2 Peter (1914c) [ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 0.85Mb ]
- 1 Peter (1893c) [ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 0.84Mb ]
- Third Angel’s Message and the Second Epistle of Peter (1888d)
[ Download the Complete Quarterly Lesson PDF – 1.38Mb ]
Thanks to our archivist, Robbie Noordzy, for creating the archives and the Search page for making this list of old lessons possible. 🙂