Sabbath School Net (SSNET) is operated by lay members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who volunteer their time so that Bible students around the world can study the Bible online and/or participate in the Bible Study held in Seventh-day Adventist churches (also known as Sabbath School) every seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday), no matter where their location. With the launch of our blog in June 2011, we initiated an avenue of dialogue that is a bit broader than the email discussion lists which were largely focused on the weekly lesson study. Besides providing opportunity to discuss the current lessons, the blog also deals with doctrinal and lifestyle issues that are relevant to Adventists around the world. Currently several individuals volunteer their time and efforts to make the Sabbath School Network a thriving community:
Current SSNET Volunteers
- Inge Anderson – General administrator of the Sabbath School Net and editor of web content. Inge is a wife and mother of five boys, a former high school English teacher and an avid theology student from long before she became responsible for Sabbath School Net. Her favorite verse is Nehemiah 8:10.
- Peter Wannemacher is the coder for the HTML version of the Sabbath School lesson since the third quarter of 2012. We appreciate his promptness and his speed, as well as his willingness to make up for mistakes he didn’t make. They say that a picture is worth 1000 words, and we think that is true for Peter. As you can see from the picture of him and his lovely wife, he is very active in Pathfinders. And the other photo .. well, unicycling seems to be one of Peter’s special talents.
- Klaus Freidl from Austria prepares the templates for each quarter of the HTML lessons, often divides Peter’s file into weekly lessons, proof-reads meticulously, publishes the “Helps” prepared by Freeman Senzani, and does some of the text linking on the mobile lessons, along with Peter Wannemacher.
- Linda Reiss finds appropriate illustrations for the daily lessons on our blog. She is a retired Medical Laboratory Technologist. She lived in Ohio since 1965 and was a member of the Kettering SDA church for 50 years. She now go to a small church in Hamilton, Ohio. We have about 50 members and are looking forward to many more.
She enjoys reading, Bible study, quilting, cooking, and making new friends.
- Freeman Senzani from South Africa is now preparing the lesson Helps which consist of Bible references and Ellen White quotes for each quarter. You can see these by clicking “Helps” at the top of any lesson.
- Jane Sirignano –
Moderator for the blog. Since 1974, Jane has worked with plant-based foods and nutrition: at a restaurant/bakery; managing a food co-op and natural foods store; and giving presentations. As part of the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP): nutrition workshops; food shopping tours and rewrote the instructor’s manual with the founder. Since 2005, Jane has worked with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ( as a food and nutrition instructor. She has many certificates in health/wellness and a diploma in nutrition. Jane raised one son with plant-based foods and good health principles and homeschooled him until he went to college. Jane visits as often as she can with her two grandchildren. She like to take walks, swim, sit at the beach and pool, and looks forward to getting back on a bicycle again. With the local SDA church, Jane enjoys teaching Bible lessons, presenting sermons, and giving Bible studies. - Maurice Ashton – Helps determine the direction of Sabbath School Net by advising, moderating the blog, contributing posts and valuable comments. He is a New Zealander who has been living in Australia for about 50 years. Married to Carmel, they have two adult children, Brenden and Toni, and two grandchildren. He was a lecturer at Avondale College for the past 27 years and is now (supposedly) retired. He also managed Avondale’s Moodle system (LMS).Maurice is a computer scientist with a special interest in transaction mechanisms in persistent systems, but he has taught in the area of IT. He also has a degrees in Physics and Chemistry and Education.Maurice’s main interests are:
- Computer research: Graph-based Optimistic Transaction Management if you want to try and understand it.
- Bird photography: You can see some of his images on Flickr. (Watch that the birds don’t fly right out of the screen at you!)
- Visual presentation for church
- Bike riding. (He has owned and ridden motorbikes, his most notable being an AJS 350cc single pot, 1953.)
Maurice first started taking part in SSNET in 1997 and joined the moderating team for the discussion list around 2003, weathering most of the storms and hearing most of the main arguments several times over. He is an active member of the Avondale College Church where he led a small, creative visuals team for 15 years.
- William Earnhardt –
Moderator for the blog, as well as writing weekly posts related to the Sabbath School lesson. He assures us that he’s not nearly as mean as he looks in this picture. 😉 He writes, “While I have many passions such as friends, golf, kayaking, photography, etc., my greatest passion is God and His great love.” For the last eight years he has kept busy as a Bible Instructor-Lay Pastor at the Tampa First SDA Church, giving personal Bible studies, evangelism seminars, and working with small groups and growth groups, training people to give Bible studies and hold seminars. - Gerald E. Greene
Daily Lesson Editor and manager of our Facebook page. When you study the lessons on our blog, you are seeing Gerald’s work.
He is an active member of the Kettering College Church in the Ohio Conference, USA. He has written Greene’s Bible Study Guide and Bible Study Guide – 28 Fundamental Beliefs: 28 Fundamental Beliefs regarding the 28 Fundamental Beliefs, Spiritual Exercises For Adventists, and Two Questions About Hell and Sunday. He has also republished over 25 out-of-print Seventh-day Adventist books that he feels deserve to be available today. (See Amazon Search for “Gerald E. Greene.” Note that there’s another Gerald Greene who writes quite different books, and some of those books are mixed into this page.) Gerald also manages a number of Facebook Groups for Prayer and Bible Study.
- Michael Fracker, author of Weekly Teaching Outlines
A retired school teacher in the Department of Corrections, State of Michigan, where he taught for for 35 years, Michael has given hundreds of personal Bible studies and has seen many people baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Michael’s Teacher Outlines with Sabbath School Net readers, because they are ideally suited for people who may not have teaching background but want to make their classes informative and relevant.
Michael wrote the Teacher’s Helps for the SS Quarterly for the second quarter 2000. He was a Charter Member of the Michigan Conference Sabbath School Steering Committee for over fifteen years and wrote many articles for Sabbath School Leadership, Teach, and Action Magazines.
Michael spent time training in personal ministry and door-to-door evangelism in the US, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Japan and worked with Calvin Smith for Voice of Prophecy Bible School for six months answering difficult questions people asked. He was a lay member on the Destiny Board of Directors in the Michigan Conference with Henry Feyerabend. He also preached hundreds of sermons across the US and Canada and preached over 50 sermons in other countries of the world. He held evangelistic meetings several times in the US and In Cuba with Changing People’s Lives, and twice in the Philippines – once with Voice of Prophecy and once on our own. On a little different note, Michael also led out in church building projects twice in the Philippines in San Vicente and Ft. Magsaysay.
Joyce Griffith
Joyce is a woman of many talents, as you will see if you check out her list of blogs. But the one thing that stands out is that Joyce is a creative wordsmith. We have been blessed by both her creativity and writing talents for many years now in the form of “Thought Starters” for Sabbath School lesson discussions — first on our email list for teachers and now on our blog. Check out a few of her “Thought Starters” for yourself.
We are indebted to the General Conference Sabbath School Department and Pacific Press for permission to publish the Adult Bible Study Guide online in HTML format and for providing an electronic version of the contents. However, SSNET is not officially sponsored by either Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Previously Involved Volunteers:
- Andrew C. Anderson III – Email discussion list moderator from Texas, USA (Andrew’s website)
- Tommie Burchard –
was recruited to proofread the online lessons and verify links in February 2013. Since then, her responsibilities expanded to the role of Associate Editor for the Online Sabbath School Lessons. Tommie has a daughter, two sons, two daughters-in-law and two granddaughters. She was involved in her local church as head of the phone/email committee and she also maintained her church group on Facebook. Her home was in rural Tennessee until her death in early November 2016.
It was hard to replace Tommie, and we struggled for some time until Klaus Freidl joined our team. Still, I (Inge Anderson) miss Tommie for her feisty spirit and sense of humor, quite apart from the work she did on our web site. See also her Facebook Memorial Page. - Derek Roux from South Africa assisted Peter in the preparation of the HTML version of the lessons, particularly in preparing the Inside Story and in proof-reading. He worked with us for about a year after Tommie Burchard passed away, and we valued his contributions.
- Tyler Cluthe from Bozeman, Montana, did the lion’s share of the moderation for the blog for about a year, and after that he prepared the Teachers’ helps for publication and does other useful work behind the scenes. Tyler also designed the header image currently used on this site. He has been sorely missed since his death on November 29, 2015 at the age of 73.
- Jason Alexis – Technical guru and creative genius who is behind many of our blog innovations was actively involved close to the beginning of the blog in 2011 -2012.
- Michelle Malveaux – Faithfully prepared the Daily lessons from the HTML files, finding and inserting suitable illustrations into each one in 2011-2012. (She is now Michelle Malveaux Alexis, married to Jason. 🙂 ) We owe much thanks to this dedicated young couple.
- Andrew S. Baker – Discussion list moderator from New Jersey, USA. (Studying the Word of God, Talking Out Loud with ASB are just two of his many websites.)
- Note: Please use the “Contact” link under “About Us” to write to any staff members.