Study Bibles include extra helps such as more cross references, footnotes, maps. They may have introductions to books of the Bible, historical backgrounds, even topical Bible studies – either in the back of the Bible or in side bars throughout the Bible.
Study Bibles can be very helpful, as long as readers realize that the study helps are not inspired like the Bible. It is helpful to know the belief system of the persons who added the study notes. Study bibles compiled by Sunday keepers are not likely to have a helpful Bible study on the Sabbath, and their study helps on prophetic books tend to be way off, from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.
One popular study Bible with Seventh-day Adventist study aids is the Remnant Study Bible.The NKJV imitation leather edition is quite reasonably prices, as study Bibles go. The hardcover NKJV edition costs more and may not be worth the extra money. We recommend the NKJV version over the KJV because it is much easier to read by modern readers.
Another excellent study Bible aims to be helpful for both new believers and scholars. It is the Andrews Study Bible.It is also reasonably priced in the NKJV hardcover edition.